Wednesday, January 23, 2019

First things first

Marco Verch on Flickr

Hi. My name is Kimberly. This is not my first blog, but it's my first one in a long long time, so forgive me if I take a little time to warm up.

A few years ago, I started having problems. You know, digestive problems? The kinds you don't really want to talk about? Heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion...all. the. time. It was so bad, there were days I had to miss work or social things--it even messed up a romantic weekend away, if I remember correctly. Not OK at all. So I tried figuring out what was going on, starting with the popular culprits of the day, going gluten-free, dairy free, vegan...but nothing worked. 

After a little research, I stumbled on the low-FODMAP research done at Monash in Australia. You can read more about that here. I incorporated the elimination diet into my routine, not really expecting much, since nothing had helped so far, but surprise! I started feeling better right away. 

Fast forward a few years, and I have a pretty good handle on the foods my body can eat with no problems, the foods I can have small amounts of, and the foods that I can't eat at all without serious, ahem, repercussions. Occasionally I have a flare-up and have to go back to strict elimination again for a week or two, but overall I am able to live pretty normally. I wanted to start this blog to spread the word about what has helped me, and how I incorporate what works into everyday life, in case it might help someone else.

A few disclaimers:

I am NOT a professional. Technically speaking, if you have symptoms like mine, you should go to a doctor and follow their recommendations. This blog is not meant to diagnose or treat any disease. This is only an account of me and what I do, and is not meant as any kind of guide for weight loss, low-FODMAP eating, or anything else. Please read it with that in mind. 

This is NOT a weight-loss blog. I am body-positive and while I enjoy a healthy lifestyle, I do not endorse seeking out weight loss to fit a society-dictated ideal as an objective unto itself. If you would like to read about my main inspiration for my attitude regarding food and diets, visit here.

If you're still reading, welcome! Leave me a comment to say hi.

Til next time!